Create Your Archetypal Round Table
Create the energetic container to thrive in
initiate your archetypes
Seeing the world through various energetic lenses assists us in busting through unnecessary paradigms. It opens us up to cosmic wisdom. In ancient times we would consciously awaken the energetic container from which our energy would unravel into the physical plane. During this offering I help you focus your energy towards your inner core allowing the unraveling of your magic to unfold out into the world. By diving deep into your psyche to enliven your Archetypal Round Table, you instil the right parameters in your life to bring forth your gifts to create the new shared mythos.
This offering includes three 1 hours phone sessions and step-by-step instructions, easy to access forms, to uncover your archetypes. Essentially it’s a three step process that I walk you through. I started initiating archetypes back in 2005 when a Montreal artist named Scott Macleod included me in his body of work entitled, Gods & Goddesses Contemporary Archetypes. My main soul guide is Freyja. Assisting those around me by embodying the ancient art of weaving our medicine into the fabric of shared reality.